A total of 16 kingdoms or dynasties existed in Myanmar. The Following is a list of them and their locations.
1. Beikthano Pyu City State Located in middle part of Myanmar at the north of Kookogwa Village, 11 miles north of Taung Dwingyee.
2. Thuwunna Bonmi (Ramanya) City State (AD 100) Located in southern Myanmar near Beelin, at the foot of Mount Kaylartha.
3. Tharay Kittarar Pyu City State (AD 400-1000) Located in lower Myanmar, 5 miles southeast of Pyay.
4. Hanlin Pyu City State (AD?-832) Located in upper Myanmar in Shwebo District, Wetlet Township.
5. Waytharlee Kingdom (BC 500-?) Located in western Myanmar about 6 miles north of Myauk Oo.
6. Bagan (Pagan) Dynasty (AD 107-1287) Located in upper Myanmar.
7. Pinya Dynasty (1309-1360) Located in central Myanmar.
8. Sagaing Dynasty (1315-1364) Located in upper Myanmar in Sagaing.
9. TaungNgoo Dynasty (1486-?) Located in central Myanmar.
10. Innwa Dynasty (1364-1555) Located in central Myanmar.
11. Bago/Hantharwaddy Dynasty Located in lower Myanmar in Bago.
12. Kone Baung Dynasty (1752-1885) Shwaybo Palace: built by King Ahlaung Pharar
13. Kone Baung Dynasty Ava Palace
14. Kone Baung Dynasty Amarapura Palace: built by King Bodaw Pharar
15. Kone Baung Dynasty Mandalay Palace: built by King Mindon
16. The present capital city Yangon (Rangoon)